Ensuring Food Security

Agricultural and Fisheries Division

Provides services in planning and management of agricultural resources including crop, soil, irrigation, fisheries and livestock. It carries out research, crop and fish modeling, drought assessment and management, food security, value chain, baseline, monitoring, impact evaluation & assessment, crop suitability, climate change impact & greenhouse gas assessment, prepare mitigation and adaptation plan on agricultural sector.

Professional's image
Mohammad Abdur Rashid
Director (In-Charge)

Mr. Rashid has been working in CEGIS since 2002 as an agriculturist of a multidisciplinary EIA team for conducting IEE, EIA, and environmental monitoring studies of water resources, communication, power, gas, and plan... More

Area of Expertise

  • Agricultural planning
  • Land-use zoning for agriculture
  • Crop modelling
  • Drought modelling (DRAS)
  • Agricultural production prediction


Projects Under this Division

Impacts in Rice Production

Climate change impacts are likely to influence the monsoon season and hence lead to changes in spatial or temporal distribution o...Read More

DRAS and DSSAT Model

The Drought Assessment (DRAS) Model, which is a computerized framework linked with GIS and developed by CEGIS, provides informati...Read More

Adaptation in Agriculture

The frequency and severity of hazards caused due to climate change may increase over time and the prospects for agriculture in ge...Read More