Focus Group Discussion

Socio-economic and Institutional Division

Carries out socio-economic studies which include Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); Planning and Management of socio-economic resources; Poverty, Gender and Livelihood studies; Economic and Institutional analyses; Anthropological investigations; Social mobilization and Formation of institutions, etc.

Professional's image
A T M Shamsul Alam
Director (Addl. Charge);

Mr. A T M Shamsul Alam [B. Sc. (Honors) Geography (1989); M. Sc. Geography (1991), Jahangirnagar University; M.S.S. Social Welfare (2011), University of Dhaka] has started his career at Irrigation Support Project for ... More

Area of Expertise

  • Socio-economic studies involving economic resources, planning and management, poverty, gender and livelihood studies, economic analyses, anthropological and demographic investigation, water pricing, socio-economic impacts of interventions, etc.
  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
  • Baseline Survey
  • Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
  • Resettlement Plan
  • Social Safeguard Plan
  • Indigenous People Plan
  • Social Mobilisation and Group Formation
  • Gender Analysis
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Poverty and Livelihood Analysis and Modelling


Projects Under this Division

Will be added here soon