Mazriha Islam

Research Consultant
Contact No.: N/A

Career Summary

Climate change is an all engulfing problem which is has reached a threatening threshold and I want to have an impact through research and tool building to mitigate its devastation. Environmental engineering has to be the most powerful subject right now to battle the changing volatile situation of our environment.


BSc in Civil Engineering from BUET (2013-2017). Major in Environmental Engineering, Minor in Geo-technical Engineering.

Area of Interest/Expertise

-Climate change analysis through multi-scale modelling/analysis of hydrologic responses
-Environmental modelling, Environmental system Engineering
-Kinetic study of chemical and biological treatment process
-Surface-groundwater modelling, water quality analysis & modelling, ocean dynamics
-eco-hydrology, environmental transport processes;


29 December 2017

Money In Scraps of Electronic waste and E-waste Management in BUET