Dewan M Ariful Islam

Research Consultant
Contact No.: 01715485165

Career Summary

Mr. Dewan has been working with the multidisciplinary team at CEGIS for about twelve (12) years  in the field of Groundwater investigation, Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Assessment,  Geotechnical Investigation, EIA Study, Environmental Monitoring, Geological Study and  Soci-economic study. He has working experiences with different national and international organizations like Department of Environment, Bangladesh  Power Development Board, Bangladesh Forest Department, The World Bank , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and BIFPCL. He has also long experiences of preparing the project proposal, project team management and collecting primary data from field. Mr. Dewan is a regular member of Environmental Monitoring team of Sundarbans.


BSc and MS in Geological Sciences (Jahangirnagar University); MS in Environmental Science and Management (Jahangirnagar University)

Area of Interest/Expertise

Environmental Study, Climate Change, Groundwater and Surface water Study, Natural Resources Management, IWRM, Water Modelling, Waste water Management and Ocupatioal Health & Safety.
