Conducts studies on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation measures. Also, generates the climatic parameters through statistical and dynamic method from GCM. Applies state-of-the-earth mathematical modeling tools for understanding the physical phenomena of hydrological system and for assessment of impact of climate induced disasters.
Mr. Rahman has extensive experience in the field of GIS, Information Technology, Climate Change, agriculture, Water Resources Planning, Management, and development projects in Bangladesh. He is experienced in developi... More
Mr. Rahman has extensive experience in the field of GIS, Information Technology, Climate Change, agriculture, Water Resources Planning, Management, and development projects in Bangladesh. He is experienced in developi...
CEGIS is engaged in research projects on climate change issues in Bangladesh focusing on physical phenomena and their impacts
The existing cyclone shelters in the country are strong enough to withstand cyclones and associated storm surges, tsunamis, and e...Read More
In order to improve upon the flood forecasting in Bangladesh, a project “Climate Forecast Application in Bangladesh (CFAB-I...Read More
Bangladesh, especially the coastal zone is most vulnerable to climate change because of its geographic location, flat topography,...Read More
CEGIS in association with Jadavpur University, India conducted the research on assessment of environmental flows for the Sundarba...Read More